Ck2 change realm color
Ck2 change realm color

– GHW: The cooldown between Great Holy Wars has been increased to 30 years (up from 5), in practice this means that Fervor for bigger faiths should stay at higher levels for longer – GHW: Invalidated GHWs now reduce Fervor by much less – GHW: A successful GHW will now reduce the attacking Faith’s Fervor by 25 (down from 30), an unsuccessful GHW will only reduce Fervor by 15 (down from 30) – Founding a Holy Order now gives fervor to the affected Faith – Economically-inclined AI’s now somewhat prefer upgrading Economic buildings

ck2 change realm color

– Constructing a brand new Temple now gives your faith some fervor – Cats and dogs now live a bit longer, appear slightly less often, and trigger events less frequently – Holy Orders now consolidate their MaA regiments some rather than having a ton of 100-man MaA regiments – Holy Order regiment sizes are now smaller for War Elephants and similar – Armored horsemen and war elephants can now appear in mercenary bands, but at lower numbers than other men at arms types – Mercenary companies of cultures that have Camel Riders unlocked will no longer include tons of camels for no reason – Mercenaries are no longer guaranteed to include cultural men at arms they’re just likely to – Added a new game rule that controls the AI’s willingness to do Matrilineal marriages. – Added the functionality to attach your armies to another allied army located in the same province in order to follow the other army – Added a character Kill List to the character window

ck2 change realm color

This works with achievements – but under certain restrictions. – Added a Ruler Designer where you can customize the ruler you’ll start with before the game starts. Now the winter holidays are almost upon us, so Dev Diaries will slow down once again.

ck2 change realm color

These patch notes clock in at a whopping 2.6 in length! One Blackninja should roughly equal one Groogy, for those who are more familiar with the old gold standard. We’ve also fixed a whole heap of bugs, of course! The 1.2 ‘Argent’ patch is soon released, but until you get home from work/school we thought that you might enjoy a peek at the Patch Notes! We hope that you’ll have lots of fun with the Ruler Designer and all the other new features.

Ck2 change realm color